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Nature Research Academies
Nature Research Academies

Nature Research Academies

Researcher Services

In today’s competitive academic landscape, it’s important for researchers to build their skills and confidence. Drawing on our vast experience within Nature Portfolio we have developed a series of workshops to support researchers, called Nature Research Academies. There are a range of face-to-face and virtual academies are that are available to institutions worldwide, to host for their researchers

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Why offer Nature Research Academies at your institution?

  • Support the professional development of your researchers
  • Raise the quality and visibility of your institution’s research
  • Grow the international profile of your institution

Two delivery options

We currently offer our workshops both face-to-face and virtual to accommodate the varying needs of institutions. Each provides a stimulating atmosphere cultivated by a professional trainer with engaging activities to encourage active learning.

Face-to-face workshops

Face-to-face workshops bring the trainer to your institution to conduct a 1- or 2-day workshop to the attendees. Some of the key benefits of these types of workshops are:

  • Highly interactive with active discussions and activities between the trainer and the participants
  • Includes group activities to promote a cooperative learning atmosphere
  • Allows in-person interaction and discussion with trainer during breaks and after the workshop
  • Encourages network building and relationships among attendees as they attend the workshop together
  • In-person attendance with colleagues minimizes distraction and stimulates motivation
  • Internet connectivity and network infrastructure not required
NameNumber of daysNumber of attendees
Getting Published: Effectively Communicating Your Research1 or 2<250
Communicating Your Research to Non-specialists1<250
Clinical Research Methodology1<250
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses1<250
Research Data for Publishing Success 1<250
Applying for Research Positions1<250
Impressive Academic Presentations1<30
Writing Effective Grant Applications1<30
Being an Effective Reviewer1<30
Journal Editing1<30
Virtual workshops

We have also adapted our workshops to accommodate virtual delivery as well. Given the phenomenon of ‘virtual fatigue’, where participants have limited attention when attending courses or training online, we have modified our workshops to comprise 3 – 6 two-hour webinars that can be delivered over multiple days. Each virtual workshop is accompanied by a facilitator alongside the trainer to run the activities, moderate the Q&A session, and help anyone having technical difficulties. 

Some of the key benefits of these types of workshops are:

  • Accessible from anywhere with an internet connection
  • Recording available for 30 days for review of content
  • Anonymous interaction through polls and comment box allows attendees to engage more freely
  • Appropriate for attendees across multiple locations
  • Flexible schedule that can be delivered over multiple days or weeks
  • Each virtual workshop is accompanied by a facilitator alongside the trainer to run the activities, moderate the Q&A session, and help anyone having technical difficulties
  • Each NRAS is accompanied by a facilitator who is responsible to run the polls, exercises, chairing the Q&A sessions, and helping anyone who’s having any technical difficulties
NameNumber of modulesNumber of attendees
Getting Published: Effectively Communicating Your Research3 - 6<250
Communicating Your Research to Non-specialists3<250
Clinical Research Methodology3<250
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses3<250
Research Data for Publishing Success 3<250
Applying for Research Positions3<250
Impressive Academic Presentations3<250
Writing Effective Grant Applications2 + Group session<250 (Group <5)
Being an Effective Reviewer3<250
Journal Editing3<250


98.8% of participants rated the overall quality of the workshop as excellent (83.4%) or good (15.4%) [Survey of 6630 participants from 2018-2021]


Read about institutions already benefiting from our workshops:

Cancer Research UK | Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)

We can help you put together the right workshop for your institution.

Reach out to our team for pricing and more information.

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