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Sponsored Content

Sponsoring our scientific content demonstrates your organization’s commitment to R&D and position of thought leadership.

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Work with us on a scientific topic meaningful to you and your audience by sponsoring key content. Sponsorship positions your organization as a thought leader, showcases your commitment to R&D, and places your brand front and center with a global audience of researchers, opinion leaders, and policy-makers.

Sponsored Collections

Create a collection with us, with acknowledgment of your support, to raise awareness of your chosen scientific topic. The collection content can have a journalistic style or it can include existing peer-reviewed research articles.

Hosted on and available in print when viable, our media team offers a range of digital options for increased engagement and expanded reach.

Sponsored Media

Bring scientific discoveries in your chosen area of research to life through videos and animations. Our award-winning media team works with you to create visually engaging, accessible, and potentially viral content.

Sponsored video on human microbiota

Regional Research Portals

Sponsor a regional research portal; the go-to websites for regional science news. Our research portals shine a light on regional science that might otherwise fly under the radar, publishing in English and the languages native to the area. They help combat misinformation and inform policymakers and scientists about what is really happening on the ground.

How it works

  1. Create original content: We collaborate with award-winning editors, specialist writers, creative illustrators, designers, and filmmakers to create timely, thought-provoking, and editorially independent content across a range of scientific disciplines.
  2. Tailor your project package: Our experienced teams work with you to tailor any of our products to best suit your objectives.
  3. Enjoy comprehensive, targeted promotion: Our integrated multi-channel marketing campaigns promote your sponsored content and enable you to connect with wider, relevant audiences.
  4. Educate the market: Reach the non-specialist, Nature audience with current research, presented using simplified language.

Benefits for your organization

  • Connect with Nature‘s audience in a targeted way.
  • Stimulate regional or global interest from an engaged audience of science professionals and decision-makers within your field of research.
  • Build visibility of your organization’s strategic research priorities and advancements.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to R&D and a topic of strategic interest, while cementing your thought leadership position.
  • Align your brand with Springer Nature, the world’s leading scientific communicator, and feature in the most trusted science publications.

For more information about sponsorship opportunities, talk to our team.

Duke University Biomedical Engineering

Duke University Biomedical Engineering

A research collection becomes a versatile and evergreen promotional tool
View Case Study
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