Combine your organization’s message with our expert journalism to create powerfully engaging stories about your STEM research, products, or recruitment — connecting you with Nature’s international scientific community.
Creating branded content with Nature combines your organization’s message with our expert journalism. Your Nature-quality article is written by our award-winning custom media team, and hosted and promoted by Nature, to bring your brand stories to Nature’s international scientific community.
Branded content example on — your logo, links, and digital ads (leaderboard and MPU) feature prominently on your article page.
Marketing campaign example — “Native ads” promoting your branded content on the homepage and “current issue” pages of Nature Portfolio journals blend in with Nature editorial content to optimize engagement with your content.
To help articulate your content objectives, check out our three most popular narrative themes:
#1 People:
Showcase your leadership and talent by giving a personal insight into research, strategy, or employee/student life.
#2 Places:
Promote your organization’s achievements and innovations, while raising awareness of your research, faculty, or state-of-the-art facilities, with a look-behind-the-scenes institutional profile.
#3 Ideas:
Demonstrate thought leadership and align your brand with progress by educating scientific audiences about important advances/issues, or distilling the findings of a published paper/white paper into a short, accessible research digest article.
To create branded content for healthcare professionals, view our clinical custom content.
Branded content example on — your branded content can also reach a consumer audience with our U.S. magazine, Scientific American.