Marketing funnel: Healthcare professionals

Is your marketing supporting healthcare professionals (HCPs) from early awareness and education through to their final prescribing decision? With our leading medical publishing networks, you can continually reinforce your brand from the top to the bottom of the marketing funnel.

The top of the marketing funnel: increase awareness
Brand awareness can be an overlooked marketing objective. Before HCPs learn about the great features of your product or service, they need to know you exist. With an awareness campaign spanning digital, e-alert, and print advertising, you can gain visibility with HCPs in your therapeutic area.

The middle of the marketing funnel: generate interest with captivating content
Our award-winning custom media team are experts at creating engaging clinical custom content that HCPs will read and share. Work with our team to educate HCPs on a disease or treatment breakthrough, or medicinal drug or device, in an environment focused on their particular specialization.

The bottom of the marketing funnel: convert prospects into leads
With our solus emails and custom webcasts, you can communicate directly with medical researchers and generate leads for your sales team.

Discover the objectives, strategies, and metrics that support the complete marketing funnel:

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