General points to consider
- Nature Research cannot accept research-based advertorials that resemble primary research papers or reviews of primary research literature.
- All submissions are required in English.
- All submissions must carry your organization’s logo and be labelled with “Sponsor Feature” in the header and “Sponsor retains sole responsibility for content” in the footer.
- All submissions must be submitted by the deadline provided.
- Please note: If the sponsor material supplied does not meet the specified requirements, the sponsor should be prepared to make changes to the content in order to comply with advertorial requirements and re-supply material within 2 working days to avoid missing production deadlines.
- All contributors will have the opportunity to review fully formatted proofs with any corrections returned within 24 hours. Unfortunately there will be no further opportunities for review or submitting of changes beyond this point.
- Should not exceed 10 words.
- Should be specific to research activity of organization or include name of organization.
- Authors names should be listed in full.
- Additionally the full mailing address for each affiliated institute or business should be provided.
- All authors must be in the employ of the contributing organization.
- The article’s introduction should start by describing your organization’s interest in the field and finish by describing your objective and what you hope to achieve.
- Submissions should not resemble research papers, review articles or commentary articles (do not use subheads for ‘Results’, ‘Discussion’ etc).
- The paper should be used to highlight the research at your organization or institute, with specific reference to the research at your organization in the opening and closing paragraphs.
- The pages should not detail original research findings, but discuss your work in a summary form.
- Background scientific information should be kept to the minimum of necessary detail; the primary objective of a research-based advertorial is to demonstrate the research at your institution and your involvement in this field.
Text format
- Length must not exceed that stated in the sponsorship package (maximum 800 words per page). This includes any figures, figure legends, tables and boxes.
- Cite no more than 5 references per page, to a maximum of 15 in total, numbered in the order cited.
- The text will not be copy-edited.
Figure legends
- Each legend should start with a brief title that summarizes the main point of the figure.
- The legend should describe the panel completely. All abbreviations, symbols, etc. should be defined or explained in the legend. Do not repeat information in the text.
- Contributions should include no more than 1 figure per page.
- One figure equals: one image OR diagram OR chart OR table.
- Please provide figures in EPS or PostScript (PS) file format. Photographic images should be provided as TIFFs or JPEGs in CMYK and at 300dpi at the final published size.
- Text based figures should be provided at 600dpi at the final published size.
- All submissions must be accompanied by your organization’s logo, sent as an EPS or a PS format file, preferably in CMYK format at 300dpi at the final published size.

Example Advertorial (sponsorship)