- Inside Views are one page (810 words) Q&A articles. Inside Views are published in print next to a one page advertisement supplied by you. Inside Views are made freely available online.
- We both want your Inside View to be widely read. To achieve this, Inside Views should tell an interesting story that pulls people toward your organization or your products. Inside Views should provide valuable information and — we suggest — be accessible to researchers reading outside of their area of expertise. If you aim to target a specific audience, details should be included on the Inside View Briefing Form such that the tone of the piece can be pitched accordingly.
- Using the Inside View – Briefing Form, you will outline your objectives for the article and provide details of your interviewee. Please note, only one interviewee can be interviewed. Nature Research (NR) will assign a writer to conduct the interview and to draft the article, an editor to fine-tune the piece, and a project manager to coordinate the process.
- The process takes a minimum of 7 weeks from booking to article completion. Inside Views are typically published 2 weeks post completion.
There four stages of this process:
- Pre-interview
- The interview and write-up
- Editing
- Production
If you are unable to meet any of the deadlines throughout the process, you risk missing your preferred publication date.
- Pre-Interview
- Please carefully complete the Inside View – Briefing Form. The form will capture your objectives for the Inside View and will be used by the writer. The form will also include details of the interviewee and his/her availability for the interview. Completed forms should be emailed to the project manager. The project manager will share completed forms with the writer and the interviewee.
- Please also provide by email to the project manager a high-resolution headshot of the interviewee and your organization’s logo. Images should be no less than 300dpi and, ideally, would be taken in good light on a clean background free of distractions.
- If you have any additional background information that would be useful for the writer, please send it to the project manager when you supply your briefing form.
- The interview and write-up
- Based on information provided in the Briefing Form, the writer will contact the interviewee directly to arrange a convenient time for the interview.
- The interview will take approximately 90 minutes.
- Following the interview, the writer will draft the Inside View article. Writers are instructed to produce interesting stories, complete with compelling headline treatments.
- The writer will then submit their Inside View draft to the project manager.
- Editing
- The editor will edit the interview for style and clarity. That piece will be sent to you as an MS Word file by the project manager.
- Please mark changes to the copy using Track Changes. Wholesale rewrites cannot be accommodated. The word count must remain between 800 and 820 words.
- Internal approval (for example by your legal department) should be gained at this stage.
- Please send the approved, marked-up file to the project manager. If required, the project manager will arrange a call between you and the editor to agree to edits.
- The text, including the story headline, is signed-off.
- Production
- The signed-off version of the article will be produced using the Inside View template.
- A PDF proof will be forwarded by the project manager to you and the interviewee.
- No major changes can be made at this stage. Minor proof corrections should be returned promptly.
- Proof corrections will be made, and the Inside View sent for publication.

Example Inside View (print version)