Clinical and HCP marketing
Reach healthcare professionals (HCPs) and medical researchers with our suite of clinical advertising solutions.

Unlock our vast clinical network
At Springer Nature, we publish 3000+ journals, 1000 of which are clinical medicine journals — reaching millions of clinical researchers and practicing clinicians worldwide.
Our medical marketing and content solutions help healthcare and pharma marketers unlock this vast clinical network.
- 1000 clinical medicine journals
- 1+ million clinical medicine articles published
- 50+ million monthly page views
- 1.1+ million e-alert subscribers

Reach clinical audiences in your therapeutic areas: 5 examples
136,000+ articles
350,000+ articles
190,000+ articles
22,000+ articles
85,000+ articles
Reach more clinical audiences
Partner with medical prestige
Our advertising clients benefit from the credibility of our medical journals, a trusted resource for doctors and scientists since 1842, and the heritage of our brands — including Springer, Nature Portfolio, and BMC.
We maintain journal excellence through editorial independence and rigorous peer review, thanks to the tens of thousands of peer reviewers who work with us.
As well as cutting-edge primary research, our journals publish reviews that summarise the primary literature — helping busy clinicians and researchers to stay up-to-date.

Examples of our clinical journals & their JCR ranking*
*Journal Citation Reports (JCR) ranking is based on “Impact Factor”: the average number of times articles from the journal have been cited in the JCR. Impact factor is only one of many metrics for assessing journals; other metrics include the Immediacy Index and Eigenfactor® Score.
Clinical marketing solutions — from bench to bedside
Whether your objective is to build awareness of a disease or promote the benefits of your latest drug or device, our marketing solutions can help get your message in front of HCPs and clinical researchers when it matters most.
We have the audiences, the platforms, and the privacy-forward targeting technologies, to support your entire marketing journey — from pre-clinical stages through to bedside.