Winning photos of working scientists: Nature’s annual photography competition 2024

We received more than 200 entries this year from researchers around the globe. Catch the winning photo and four runners-up below. All will receive a prize of £500 and a year’s subscription to Nature. (View the original article on Nature).

Interested in sponsoring next year’s photo competition? Organizations are invited to sponsor Nature’s 2025 photo competition, offering a fantastic branding and profile-building opportunity with Nature’s research community. Contact us for more info.

Nature photo competition 2024 (Richard Jones)

Winner 2024: Richard Jones

Nature photo competition 2024 (Herton Escobar andUniversity of São Paulo Images)

Credit: Herton Escobar/University of São Paulo Images

Nature photo competition 2024 (Emiliano Cimoli)

Credit: Emiliano Cimoli

Nature photo competition 2024 (Ryan Wagner)

Credit: Ryan Wagner

Nature photo competition 2024 (Luiz L. Saldanha andKimberly P. Castro)

Credit: Luiz L. Saldanha/Kimberly P. Castro

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