[White paper] The Support Researchers Are Asking For

What if you could help your researchers avoid the most common pitfalls that get their journal submissions rejected? And support them in doing the parts of research that their scientific training might not have prepared them for?

Springer Nature has conducted extensive independent research into researchers’ professional development needs and looked into the most frequent reasons why journal submissions to Scientific Reports get rejected – as well as how training can help researchers have more success the first time they submit a manuscript*.

Some key findings on training needs from the white paper include:

  • 93% of respondents said that learning more about scientific writing and publishing was very or extremely important
  • 76% rated training in data management and analytics as very or extremely important
  • 82% would like more professional development opportunities from their institutions

You will find more insights and takeaways in the free-to-download white paper, entitled ‘Research, publication and beyond: The support researchers are asking for’.


Interested in providing more support to your researchers? Learn more about the research solutions we can offer your institution.


*Different journals will have proportionally different reasons for manuscript rejection. There are many factors affecting journal acceptance and each manuscript is tagged with multiple rejection classifications. This means that removing one rejection reason does not guarantee positively impacting your institution’s acceptance rate.


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