Applications are open for the Spinoff Prize 2024

Applications are now open for the Spinoff Prize 2024 — an award for early stage university spinoff companies from around the world.
The Spinoff Prize is a €30,000 award, giving visibility to academic entrepreneurs and their companies and helping them secure future investment. The winner will be chosen in a Slam at the Curious2024 – Future Insight™ conference in Germany on 10th-11th July 2024. The Slam is a live pitch session for the final shortlisted companies to compete in front of the judges.
Learn more about the Spinoff Prize, its sponsor Merck, and how to apply. Applications close on 7th Janury 2024.
About our awards:
Nature Awards works with carefully selected organizations to establish a long-term partnership and develop an awards package that puts their key values into action.
Working with a team of Nature Portfolio editors, we create a complete program featuring a full website, a multichannel marketing campaign to generate a high quality pool of applicants, judging activities and a face-to-face awards ceremony.
Organizations are able to demonstrate their leadership within certains fields of research, build a long-lasting network of winners, mentors, and shortlisted candidates, and align their brand with trusted Nature content.
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